Dr Andrew Vanlint

Coming Soon

Adj Assoc Prof Anthony Llewellyn


Anthony is the Managing Director and the face of AdvanceMed and the Career Doctor YouTube Channel. A Consultant Psychiatrist with extensive medical education and medical human resources experience, Anthony has served over 12 years in various Managerial and Directorial roles, including 4 years as the Medical Director of the Health Education & Training Institute and recently completed a guide into Best Practice for Selection of Trainees into employment roles for the Royal Australasian College of Physicians. He is currently working on a similar project for the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Radiologists.

Anthony is an expert in Medical HR. He has reviewed numerous CVs, chaired and conducted over a thousand job interviews and provided advice to a number of employers and Colleges about selection processes. Each year Anthony helps over 1,000 doctors with various medical career challenges, including clocking up over 700 coaching hours per year.
Anthony is also an Adjunct Associate Professor at the University of Newcastleโ€™s School of Medicine & Public Health.

Anthony was born on Mouheneenner land in Hobart (Tasmania) and pays respect to the traditional owners of lands he lives and works on, and elders past and present.ย 

He also has a keen interest in technology and marketing and was previously Chief Technical Officer and a founder of the highly popularย onthewards.orgย project โ€“ a website and application designed to assist medical practitioners in their earliest days of postgraduate practice.

30 Year Old Man With Low Mood




This OSCE demonstrates the need to consider your process or technique of interviewing as well as the importance of gathering appropriate information in order to make a diagnosis.

Student Instructions



  1. Effective and empathic communication with a patient
  2. Ability to take a relevant and focussed psychiatric history
  3. Ability to assess risk
  4. Ability to make and justify a differential diagnosis

Time:ย  5 minutes reading time


Time: ย 12 minutesย for role play, 3 minutes for question

Instructions to the Candidate:ย You are an intern on a busy rural General Practice placement. Bill has been brought to the practice by his partner Mandy. She has been reading about depression and thinks Bill might be depressed. The GP asks you to see Bill yourself with a view to make a provisional diagnosis.

Your Task is:

  • Take a focussed psychiatric history
  • At the 12 minutes mark the examiner will ask you a question

Examiner Instructions

At 12 minutes interrupt the candidate and ask:

What is the most likely diagnosis and your differential diagnosis? Please justify your answer with reference to his symptoms.

Actor Instructions

Your Role: (Bill): You are Bill, you are between 25 and 45 (depending on actorโ€™s choice), working in the construction industry. You live with your partner Mandy who is 3 years younger than you and your 2 children, 8 year old Nathan and 6 year old Holly. You have been having increasing difficulty coping the past 2 months.ย  You have been married for 10 years.

Recently your relationship with Mandy has recently been strained but you think youโ€™ll get through this. Mandy works in childcare part-time. Your finances are ok, you have a mortgage and car and motorbike loans but are managing all your repayments. Mandy and a few mates are your main supports but youโ€™re not sure how to bring this up with your mates, plus youโ€™ve been isolating yourself lately.

You know Mandy thinks you might be depressed but you donโ€™t know and donโ€™t know what to do. Sheโ€™s insisted you see the GP.

You have been working on a commercial building site the past 6 months as a carpenter. Your current supervisor is difficult, he puts pressure on you and your workmates to meet deadlines, and has been critical and verbally abusive.

You feel that he is being a bully to some of your workmates, and he has been swearing at you whenever you make a mistake or if he thinks your work is substandard, calling you โ€œuselessโ€ and โ€œretardedโ€. You have not felt comfortable confronting your supervisor about this and have not spoken to anyone else about your concerns.

The days are long and you have been working 6 days a week. You are exhausted after work and usually sit up watching sports and drinking alchohol. You used to drink 2 stubbies of full strength beer most nights but recently have been drinking up to 6 a night.

Mandy has been angry that you arenโ€™t spending enough time with the kids, plus her father had a serious drinking problem so you been arguing more often. You donโ€™t drive after drinking but have felt hungover at work. If you donโ€™t drink you find you have trouble getting to sleep and feel restless.

You have been feeling exhausted, numb and angry. You used to enjoy playing physical games with the kids, watching sport with your mates, fishing, riding your motorbike, but havenโ€™t been going out much lately. You called in sick for a couple of days last week. You are worrying about the quality of your work lately and about finding work once this contract ends; there was a lot of competition for this current job.

You have never had a panic attack. You have no suicidal thoughts โ€œI would never do that to the kidsโ€ and no thoughts of harming others.

You have been eating less but havenโ€™t noticed any weight loss. You sleep 7 hours a night with alcohol. Your libido has been lower. You feel guilty that you have been spending less time with the kids. Youโ€™re finding it difficult to concentrate at work and are worried about making mistakes. You donโ€™t have any paranoid ideas or hallucinations.

Apart from alcohol you use no other substances currently, and are a non-smoker. You only used marijuana a few times in your teens and 20s, and tried smoking ice a couple of times in your 20s. You play the pokies occasionally, but never more than $50.

You have never had problems with your mental health in the past. You have no history of self-harm/suicide.

You were born and raised in a small country town. You are the eldest of 3 children. You liked & did well at school and got along well with most people. You left school at 17 and started as an apprentice carpenter. You have worked in the industry since then and your work has always been of a reasonable standard. You moved here (Newcastle) for work and met Mandy here.

Your parents both worked long hours and are still alive and retired. You think your grandmother might have had manic depression and been on medication but your family donโ€™t talk about things like that. You have no history of trauma.

You are in good physical health and are not on any regular medications.

Instructions on how to play the role:

In the lead up to coming to see the GP you have read up a little bit about depression and alcohol in the men on the internet and you are already reasonably convinced that you need to cut down your drinking and that you might be depressed.

You are generally happy to talk to the intern.ย  You are concerned about your mental health.ย  You think that you might have a problem and are glad that Mandy pushed you to come today.

However, you are still feeling irritable and this shows in your initial demeanour and responses.

You commence the interview in a guarded manner.ย  You are uncomfortable talking about yourself to a stranger.ย  Your openingย response to an initial question is:

โ€œIโ€™ve just not been feeling myself latelyโ€

You continue with a guarded posture and short one sentence responses to questions.

For example:

โ€œI guess I might be depressedโ€

โ€œMy sleeps been okโ€

โ€œIโ€™m not suicidalโ€

โ€œIโ€™ve just been sadโ€

Once the student has responded to your discomfort you open up more and provide lengthier responses. ย At this pointย its okay at this point to give as much information that you think is relevant to a question.ย  You are wanting to help the student.

Towards the end of the interview a student who is performing well may ask a more general question such as:

โ€œIs there anything else you think is relevant for me to know?โ€

It is appropriate to answer this question by providing any history that they have not already covered.

Additional Instructions


Assessment Guidelines



  • Introduces self appropriately
  • Clarifies role/ agenda of the meeting
  • Use of open ended questions to facilitate conversation
  • Uses appropriate language (avoids jargon or technical language)
  • Empathic and effective communication style
  • Recognizes and successfully deals with irritability and guardedness
  • Psychiatric History from Patient


  • Screens for other symptoms of depression (eg anhedonia, sleep, appetite, concentration, guilt)
  • Psychosocial stressors (work, relationship)
  • Drug and alcohol use history Screens for other problems e.g. anxiety
  • Past history of psychiatric illness
  • Family history of psychiatric illness Medical history and medications


  • Risk assessment (current ideation/plans/intent)
  • Past self-harm/suicide attempts


  • Identifies alcohol use as an issue (either separate to or contributing to the mood disturbance)
  • Provides at least 2 diagnostic possibilities (eg substance induced mood disorder, major depressive disorder, adjustment disorder, no mental illness)
  • Justifies answer appropriately providing examples of supporting features from the history